Anyone who uses gas or oil can more than likely agree that green energy is cleaner, safer, and less expensive. However, many people don’t know how to implement green energy into their lives. As a green home builder in Dallas, we would like to show you just a couple ways that green energy can be beneficial for your home and your life.
Replace your furnace with one that has the Energy Star seal on it. You can save 18% to 20% on your monthly utility bills if you purchase a highly-efficient furnace. It’s also possible to get a federal tax credit that will help cover the cost of your new furnace!
If you want to go green for both environmental and monetary reasons, then consider buying an electric car or one that uses natural gas. These sources of energy are far cleaner than burning non-renewable fuels and can reduce your carbon footprint. If these cars don’t fit into your budget right now, you can still accomplish your goals by driving less.
If you are thinking about starting your own business, you should do some research on green incentives. This market will expand in the future and you can take advantage of many interesting tax benefits. You’ll also be helping protect the planet and supplying people clean sources of energy. Call your local Business Bureau for more information.
If you are interested in alternative energy sources, contact your current utility company to see if they have anything to offer. Many companies are now able to harness power from solar and wind sources. This may cost you more, as there is a price for the extra work involved in tapping into these sources, but you will be doing the environment a favor!
Replace your appliances with energy-efficient appliances. Not only will you save energy and cut down on your energy bills, but you can also get a tax break for using these appliances. Look for Energy Star appliances when replacing stoves, heating and air conditioning systems, refrigerators and other major electrical appliances.
Replace your light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs. These light bulbs will last longer, burn brighter and use less power. The one downside is that they are more expensive than regular light bulbs. However, you will get your money back when your energy bills decrease (and you don’t have to constantly buy new light bulbs).
It’s never to early to start using green energy, whether you are making these changes to your existing home or are purchasing a green home in Dallas. If you’re looking to purchase a green home in Dallas, call the experts at Bud Bartley Homes. We’ll be happy to have a consultation with you at no obligation!
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